
erm, im on a hiatus. so sorreh. hehe


Thursday, October 18, 2012
Friends?, 10:32 PM, 0 comments

Hai and assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah, i'm still breathing. Soo, i haven't write for about 10 months? Nahh, i don't remember now .___. Okay, so today. I want to share my feeling towards you. Yes you :) Yesterday, my counselor teacher said that i have been chosen for the "Anugerah Sahsiah Terpuji". And i was totally shocked because i'm not good enough to get that award. Wait! I. Have. To. Use. Malay. To. Continue.

Okay, aku tak heboh pung yang aku dapat anugerah tu. Buat apa nak heboh kalau buat orang sakit hati je kann? Aku just bagi tau kawan yang aku rapat je. Hari ni, semua dah tau yang aku dapat anugerah tu. Itupun  dia orang cakap "ehh, macam mana kau boleh dapat? Aku ingat Ida ke Cu kee yang dapat" "Alaa, kau mesti terpilih sebab bubuh sijil" Me? I just smile in the outside :) yeahh, it's hard. Tapi aku tetap bersyukur dengan anugerah ini. Alhamudillah, mungkin rezeki aku :)

Insya-Allah, aku akan cuba tak ambil hati :3 Tadi lepas acara tuu, kami semua bersihkan tempat ambil wudhuk kat surau. Tapi disebabkan aku nie tengah sakit tekak, aku asyik batuk je sambil buat kerja. Macam minta simpati pung ada. Tapi alhamdulillah dah beransur dahh :D Lepas PMR, semua balik pukul 1. Wahh, best! Hee ~ dulu balik pukul 2. Oh maii, bersyukur sangat. Wait! I. Want. To. Use. English. Back. PMR? Woahh, please don't ask. It was hard. I totally hope that this year, all the greds will be low. And I hope that the "penyemak kertas" will "lembut hati" to give me a high marks for my paper. AMIN ~ Till then. Bye and assalamualaikum.

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